You know what's the tragic irony of the whole story is? The storage contains 2 peaces of armor AND a repair manual, which I would've needed for a peaceful solution. The bad thing with this - you can't use your lockpick skill while you're engaged in a combat. BUT, since the door is closed none will come out and fight with you. There is one note about the storage - you can't approach a lockpick attempt on that door without beeing involved in a fight. Schnibba: So guys, I finally managed to kill the whole Brotherhood. With a total of 70 skillpoints it took me about 20 attempts, then the door was open. With a LP skill of 50 I tried about 100 times without success, so I leveled up (Paladins around the Brotherhood are free exp, since they dont engage you, so you can steal their miniguns and they dont do any damage in meele fights) and put all 20 points into LP. Here is what helped me, maybe someone else will find it useful - equip an electrical lockpicker (not the manual one, this won't work) instead of a weapon or whatever you hold in one of your hands, enter (or be forced to enter) the combat mode and perform a lockpicking action with your electronical device on that door.

So guys, I finally managed to kill the whole Brotherhood. The guy in the training room will then let you choose power armour as a reward from michael after you talk to him about that. If you enter the building you will get attacked by the gang, after killing them if you lockpick or blast open the door with explosives the initiate is inside that second room. Hes in old town in the building just below the entrance to old town. Not sure about that method I got mine from freeing the brotherhood of steel initate from the gang back in the hub. Could someone tell me what my problem is? Is my repair skill too low (currently at 70%)? What am I doing wrong? I've tried every walkthrough on GameFaqs, and have even watched a video of someone playing through the game, but I still can't find a way to get the power armor.

I stole it from Rhombus' room, but when I try talking to Kyle, he keeps telling me that he's busy, so I can't give it to him. Supposedly Michael can give the systolic motivator to me, if I ask him for it, but even though my character's intelligence is at 10, I don't have that option. KMW1991: I seem to be having trouble finding the power armor.